Create a ComboBox that provides a “search and zoom” function using OGC OpenLS XLS search. To use this class you need to include additional JS files in your page. See also the example HTML file under examples/namesearch.
#. If your map is not in EPSG:4326 (WGS84) you need to import Proj4JS, e.g.
#. Since ExtJS does not support proxies you need to include the GeoExt Ajax overrides: Plus you need a proxy server that should proxy the domain
Sample code showing how to include the Dutch national address (GEOZET, PDOK) search in your MapPanel toolbar.
Heron.layout = {
xtype: 'hr_mappanel',
hropts: {
layers: [
new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "World Map",
"", {layers: 'basic', format: 'image/png' } )
toolbar : [
{type: "pan"},
{type: "zoomin"},
{type: "namesearch",
// Optional options, see OpenLSSearchCombo.js
options : {
xtype : 'hr_openlssearchcombo',
id: "pdoksearchcombo",
width: 320,
listWidth: 400,
minChars: 5,
queryDelay: 240,
zoom: 11,
emptyText: __('Search PDOK'),
tooltip: __('Search PDOK'),
url: 'http://localhost:8081/geocoder/Geocoder?max=5'
Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.form.ComboBox.
See, default value is “Search location in Geozet”.
See, default value is 350.
See, default value is “Search in Geozet...”.
OpenLayers.Map or Object A configured map or a configuration object for the map constructor, required only if zoom is set to value greater than or equal to 0.
String The maximum number of rows in the responses, defaults to 20, maximum allowed value is 1000. See:
Number Minimum number of characters to be typed before search occurs, defaults to 1.
Number Delay before the search occurs, defaults to 200 ms.
See, default value is 240.
Number Zoom level for recentering the map after search, if set to a negative number the map isn’t recentered, defaults to 8.