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class Heron.widgets.FeatureInfoPopup(config)

A Popup to hold the Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.

Example Use

Sample code showing how to configure a Heron FeatureInfoPanel. All regular ExtJS Ext.Panel config params also apply. The infoFormat config parameter is the default INFO_FORMAT to be used for WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI). This value can be overruled by an optional per-Layer infoFormat WMS Layer config parameter. GetFeatureInfo-response data may be displayed as a Grid, a Tree or formatted XML. The displayPanels config option can be used to trigger a menu with display options. Note also the use of “GridCellRenderers”. These allow you to render specific formatting of cell content within the feature grid. For example URL substitution to render external links in a new tab or browser window. You can even supply your own formatting function. This function is according to the ExtJS ColumnModel renderers (see e.g. http://snipplr.com/view/40942).

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.Panel.


boolean The popup will show where the the clicked or where the mouse stopped. Will be true if not set.


boolean The popup will hide if hideonmove parameter is true. Will be false if not set. This parameter only applies when hover is true.


string The layer to get feature information from. Parameter value will be "" if not set. If not set, all visible layers of the map will be searched. In case the drillDown parameter is false, the topmost visible layer will searched.