Displays a stack of selected layers from the map. The main purpose is to enable to change layer stacking (display) order, supported by standard drag-and-drop, plus manipulating individual layer functions.
Example config with a per layer opacity-slider.
xtype: 'hr_activethemespanel',
height: 240,
flex: 3,
hropts: {
// Defines the custom components added with the standard layer node.
showOpacity: true, // true - layer opacity icon / function
showTools: false, // true - layer tools icon / function (not jet completed)
showRemove: false // true - layer remove icon / function
Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.tree.TreePanel.
Context menu (right-click) for layer nodes, for now instance of Heron.widgets.LayerNodeContextMenu. Default value is null.
default value is “Move down”.
default value is “Opacity”.
default value is “Remove layer from list”.
default value is “Tools”.
default value is “Move up”.
default value is “Active Themes”.