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class Heron.widgets.GridCellRenderer

Functions for custom rendering of features within Grids like GetFeatureInfo.

lobal Singleton class. ee http://my.opera.com/Aux/blog/2010/07/22/proper-singleton-in-javascript

Example Use

        xtype: 'hr_featureinfopanel',
        border: true,
  hropts: {
          infoFormat: 'application/vnd.ogc.gml',
          displayPanels: ['Grid', 'XML'],
          exportFormats: ['CSV', 'XLS'],
          maxFeatures: 10,
          gridCellRenderers: [
               featureType: 'contracts',
               attrName: 'contractId'
               renderer: {
                 fn : Heron.widgets.GridCellRenderer.directLink,
                 options : {
                       url: 'http://resources.com/contracts/show?id={companyId}.{contractId}'
                       target: '_new'
               featureType: 'tst-plan',
               attrName : 'planId',
               renderer :  {
                 fn : Heron.widgets.GridCellRenderer.browserPopupLink,
                 options : {
                       url: 'http://resources.com/plans/show?id={planId}',
                       winName: 'demoWin',                             // optional - default: 'herongridcellpopup'
                       bReopen: false,                                 // optional - default: false
                       hasMenubar: true,                               // optional - default: false
                       hasToolbar: true,                               // optional - default: false
                       hasAddressbar: true,                    // optional - default: false
                       hasStatusbar: true,                             // optional - default: false
                       hasScrollbars: true,                    // optional - default: false
                       isResizable: true,                              // optional - default: false
                       hasPos: true,                                   // optional - default: false
                       xPos: 10,                                               // optional - default: 0
                       yPos: 20,                                               // optional - default: 0
                       hasSize: true,                                  // optional - default: false
                       wSize: 400,                                             // optional - default: 200
                       hSize: 800,                                             // optional - default: 100
                       attrPreTxt: 'Plan: '                    // optional - default: ''