Show features both in a grid and on the map and have them selectable.
Sample code showing how to configure a Heron FeatureGridPanel. In this case a popup ExtJS Window is created with a single FeatureGridPanel (xtype: ‘hr_featuregridpanel’).
Ext.onReady(function () {
// create a panel and add the map panel and grid panel
// inside it
new Ext.Window({
title: __('Click Map or Grid to Select - Double Click to Zoom to feature'),
layout: "fit",
x: 50,
y: 100,
height: 400,
width: 280,
items: [{
xtype: 'hr_featuregridpanel',
id: 'hr-featuregridpanel',
title: __('Parcels'),
header: false,
columns: [
header: "Fid",
width: 60,
dataIndex: "id",
type: 'string'
header: "ObjectNum",
width: 180,
dataIndex: "objectnumm",
type: 'string'
hropts: {
storeOpts: {
proxy: new{
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
url: 'data/parcels.json',
format: new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON()
autoLoad: true
zoomOnRowDoubleClick: true,
zoomOnFeatureSelect: false,
zoomLevelPointSelect: 8,
separateSelectionLayer: true
Configuration properties in addition to those listed for GeoExt.form.FormPanel.
Boolean Should the store and grid columns autoconfigure from loaded features?.
Integer Maximum number of features to ‘sniff’ for autoconfigured grid columns (as null columns are often not sent by server).
Boolean Should the column names be capitalized when autoconfig is true?
Boolean Should the features in the grid be downloadble? Download can be effected in 3 ways: 1. via Grid export (CSV and XLS only) 2. downloading the original feature format (GML2) 3. (GeoServer only) requesting the server for a triggered download (all Geoserver WFS formats)
Object The supported configs for formatting and exporting feature data. Actual presented download options are configured with exportFormats.
String Array
rray of document formats to be used when exporting the content of the FeatureGridPanel. This requires the server-side CGI script heron.cgi` to be installed. Exporting results in a download of a document with the content of the FeatureGridPanel. or example when ‘XLS’ is configured, exporting will result in the Excel (or compatible) program to be tarted with the data in an Excel worksheet. tandard option values are CSV, XLS, GMLv2, GeoJSON, Shapefile, WellKnownText, default is, null, eaning no export (results in no export menu). These configured values select a formatter-object from he exportConfigs map. ince v0.77 it is also possible to supply your own formatter-objects within this array. For example for dditional OGR-formats and/or -projections. Here is an example of a Shapefile in Dutch projection:
['GMLv2', 'GeoJSON',{
name: 'Esri Shapefile (WGS84)',
formatter: 'OpenLayersFormatter',
format: 'OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON',
targetFormat: 'ESRI Shapefile',
targetSrs: 'EPSG:4326',
fileExt: '.zip',
mimeType: 'application/zip'
}, 'WellKnownText']
Boolean Should the feature geometries that are shown be selectable in grid and map? Default true.
Boolean Should selected features be managed in separate overlay Layer (handy for printing) ?.
Boolean Should the feature geometries be shown? Default true.
Boolean Should a top toolbar with feature count, clear button and download combo be shown? Default true.
Object Options to be passed on Vector constructors.
Integer Zoom level when layer is single point feature, default 10.
Integer Zoom level for point features when selected, default 10.
Boolean Zoom to feature (extent) when selected ?.
Boolean Zoom to feature (extent) when row is double clicked ?.
Boolean Zoom to layer data extent when loaded ?.
Public methods in addition to those listed for GeoExt.form.FormPanel.
Create the top toolbar.
Does this Panel have features?.
Hide the layer with features on the map.
Loads array of feature objects in store and shows them on grid and map.
Called when Panel has been rendered.
Removes all feature objects from store .
Show the layer with features on the map.