# Makefile for GeoExt VERSION = r$(shell echo '$$Revision$$' | tr -d "[:alpha:]$$ :") LIB_NAME = GeoExt ZIP_NAME = $(LIB_NAME)-$(VERSION).zip CSS_DIR = $(LIB_NAME)/resources/css CSS_IMPORTS = $(shell cat ../resources/css/geoext-all.css | grep '@import' | sed 's/^@import "\(.*\)";/\1/') ALL_CSS = $(CSS_DIR)/geoext-all.css DEBUG_CSS = geoext-all-debug.css .PHONEY: help clean ext examples lib zip dist help: @echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one or more of" @echo " clean to clean up after building" @echo " ext to make a custom Ext JS build. See readme.txt for requirements" @echo " examples to make the examples dir" @echo " lib to make a standalone dir of lib resources" @echo " zip to make a zip archive of a standalone lib" @echo " dist to make a zip archive of a standalone lib with examples" @echo @echo "Example use:" @echo " make lib" @echo " make lib LIB_NAME=MyLib" @echo " make zip" @echo " make zip ZIP_NAME=MyZip.zip" @echo " make dist VERSION=0.5-rc1" clean: -rm -rf $(LIB_NAME) -rm -f $(ZIP_NAME) ext: @echo "Building ext.js." mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/script jsbuild full.cfg -v -o $(LIB_NAME)/script/ -j ext.js examples: mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/examples rsync -au --exclude=.svn `pwd`/../examples `pwd`/$(LIB_NAME) for file in `find $(LIB_NAME)/examples -name "*.html"`; do \ sed -i.bak "s/\.\.\/lib\/GeoExt\.js/\.\.\/script\/GeoExt\.js/g" $${file} ; \ rm $${file}.bak ; \ done ; docs: mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/docs cp -Rf ../../../www/* $(LIB_NAME)/docs lib: @echo "Building the library." mkdir -p $(LIB_NAME)/script $(LIB_NAME)/resources/css jsbuild full.cfg -v -o $(LIB_NAME)/script/ -j GeoExt.js echo "GeoExt.version='$(VERSION)';" >> $(LIB_NAME)/script/GeoExt.js rsync -au --exclude=.svn `pwd`/../resources `pwd`/$(LIB_NAME) rsync -au --exclude=.svn `pwd`/../lib `pwd`/$(LIB_NAME) cp $(ALL_CSS) $(DEBUG_CSS) for file in `find $(CSS_DIR) -name "*.css"`; do \ csstidy $${file} --template=highest $${file} ; \ done ; echo "" > $(ALL_CSS) for filename in $(CSS_IMPORTS); do \ cat $(CSS_DIR)/$${filename} >> $(ALL_CSS) ; \ done ; mv $(DEBUG_CSS) $(CSS_DIR)/ cp ../license.txt $(LIB_NAME) zip: lib @echo "Archiving the library." -rm -f $(ZIP_NAME) zip $(ZIP_NAME) -r $(LIB_NAME) dist: examples zip release: examples docs zip