Active Layers Panel¶
Select layers into a stack of active layers and change opacity/stacking.
Active Themes Panel¶
Select layers into a stack of active layers and change opacity/stacking.
Full App Demo¶
Full, self-contained, application demo showing basics of Hero configuration and styling/language options.
Apps - GXP Viewer¶
Heron apps, as-is integration of Boundless GXP Viewer in Heron.
Shows use of the BaseLayerCombo to select Base Layers.
Lightweight web mapping context manager. Add and persist current map context (layers, zoom, extent etc).
Populate a layer tree from a WMS GetCapabilities result.
Capabilities View Panel¶
View OWS capabilities as a Tree (ported from PDOK).
Add Layers via various catalog services (WMS etc).
Catalog Dutch¶
Add Layers via various catalog services (WMS and CSW etc) from Dutch Layers and CSW to NGR.
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in Panel with automatic column width based on fieldname and values.
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in Panel with fixed columnwidth.
Coordinate Search¶
Go to point on map from coordinates entered in form.
The default application using the default layout and options.
The default application using the default layout and options with Dutch (NL) language, Layers and projection.
Feature Editor Basics¶
Show basic tools and operations using Geops OLE: https://github.com/geops/ole.
Grid with Feature Selection¶
Grid panel with mutually selectable features on both map and in grid.
Feature Grid Format¶
Shows how to format cells within feature display grids such as from WMS GeoFeatureInfo or WFS.
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in Panel embedded under Map when clicking the Map.
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in popup Window when clicking the Map.
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in popup Window when hovering over the Map.
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in popup Window when clicking the Map. Popup show the attributes in a vertical list (Detail) and in a grid (Table).
Show WMS GetFeatureInfo in popup Window when hovering over the Map.
Show FIWARE Entities from Orion Context Broker via NGSI10.
An application with an alternative layout containing a fixed height LayerPanel and LegendPanel.
Floating Window¶
Demonstrates Heron app within floating Ext JS Window.
Form Search Panel¶
Embedded FormSearchPanel with backend (exact) WFS search and zoom to result.
Search + Feature Selection¶
Search using Form-based WFS query, showing selectable and downloadable results on map and table.
Use the MenuHandler to specify a complete portal website with content pages.
Google Maps¶
Use Google Maps within a Heron app.
Heron Map Context¶
Configure Layers and Layertree from a local or remote context XML file.
Build a custom layer tree for base layers and thematic overlays.
Layer Tree Ordering¶
Orders layers in the map and legend according to position in the custom layertree. Order is subject to drag and drop move.
Custom Legend¶
Demonstrates how to configure a custom legend image as URL for a Layer or hide the standard legend of the Layer.
Map Open and Save¶
Open and Save a Heron map based on Web Map Context for WMS and TMS layers.
Map Open and Save Layertree¶
Open and Save a Heron map based on Web Map Context for WMS and TMS layers. Layertree and TMS layer are saved extended to WMC.
The “Hello World” app, the most minimal config to define a Heron app.
Choose from multiple Searches¶
Select a search from a list of predefined form- or spatial queries or your own queries.
Choose from multiple searches (Dutch/PDOK layers)¶
Select a search from a list of predefined form- or spatial queries or your own queries.
Name Search¶
Name search ala google suggest and zoom via OpenStreetMap Nominatim search.
Take control over Heron initialization using the NoLaunch.js import.
Demonstrates layers from the OpenBasisKaart, OpenStreetMap tiles in Dutch (RD) projection developed by OpenGeoGroep.nl.
Overview Map¶
Integrate the standard OpenLayers OverviewMapControl to determine/pan overall location.
Overview Map Dutch¶
Integrate the standard OpenLayers OverviewMapControl to determine/pan overall location (Dutch Projection).
Demonstrates Viewer developed for the Dutch National SDI: PDOK (Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart).
Printing with popup dialog containing preview and print options.
Immediate printing of visible map area.
Printing with popup dialog for vector layer and selected features.
Edit and execute WFS Queries¶
Use the GXP QueryPanel to build and execute WFS spatial and filter-queries.
Edit and execute WFS Queries Dutch WFSs¶
Use the GXP QueryPanel to build and execute WFS spatial and filter-queries on Dutch WFSs like PDOK/BAG.
Search by Buffer¶
Search by buffer on vector or wfs layers
Search features by drawing on Map¶
Search features by drawing geometries on the map.
Search features by features from other layers¶
Select and download features by selecting features from other layers.
Show Google StreetView for clicked point in map.
Layers, each with data-subset via filtering from single WMS/WFS Layer.
Use other ExtJS themes, this “Greenery” theme created through http://extbuilder.dynalias.com.
Upload Features¶
Upload features from local file (GML, CSV etc) into a Layer.
Vector Styler¶
Style Vector Layers interactively.
Heron Workshop (Dutch Grid)¶
Answers for Heron Workshop exercises (Dutch Maps/Grid).