A panel designed to hold trees of Map Layers.
Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.tree.TreePanel.
Context menu (right-click) for layer nodes, for now instance of Heron.widgets.LayerNodeContextMenu. Default value is null.
Which icons to use for Layers in LayerNodes. Values ‘default’ (use Ext JS standard icons), ‘ bylayertype’ (Layer-type specific icons, e.g. for raster and vector) or ‘none’ (no, i.e. blanc icon). Default value is default’. Used, unless the Layer Nodes (gx_layer entries) are explicitly configured with an ‘iconCls’, ‘cls’ or ‘icon’ config attribute.
Flag for showing tree lines default value is “false”.
Ordering of layer in the map comparerd to custom layertree default value is “none” (behaviour as in older versions) valid values: ‘TopBottom’, ‘none’
default value is “Base Layers”. Only valid if not using the ‘hropts’ option
default value is “Overlays”. Only valid if not using the ‘hropts’ option
default value is “Layers”.
Use the Heron Map Context (HMC) provided by Heron.App. The HMC defines a LayerTree. Default value is false.