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class Heron.widgets.SimpleTimeSliderPanel(config)

anel with a simple slider and date/time fields to manipulate WMS Layers with Time Dimension.

Example Use

Panel with a simple slider and date/time fields to manipulate WMS Layers with Time Dimension. Given a time range (start/end time) the slider can be used to set a specific date/time. Layers configured for this Panel will need to support WMS-Dimension Time. When a date/time is set, all Layers are updated (mergeNewParams). This widget originally appeared in the HeronClient app within the Geonovum SOS Pilot project, see http://sensors.geonovum.nl/heronclient.

This widget is called SimpleTimeSliderPanel, as there is also a more advanced Heron TimeSlider Panel see heron/ux/timeslider. Th e SimpleTimeSliderPanel can be configured with a starttime and an optional endtime. If the latter is not present the current date and time is taken. The steptime can be specified. All date/times are in ISO8601 notation. A steptime of one hour is e.g. PT1H’. In addition the Layer names need to be configured as only WMS (dimension) time-aware layers can be used. Below is an example config as used in the related example.

    xtype: 'hr_simpletimesliderpanel',
    title: 'Rain in the Netherlands since June 2014',
    startDateTime: '2014-06-01T00:00:00Z',
    // endDateTime: '2014-09-01T00:00:00Z',  default is current time
    stepTime: 'PT1H',
    dateTime: '2014-08-08T16:00:00Z',
    layerNames: ["KNMI Radar Color", "KNMI Radar"]

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.Panel.


Actual date and time for slider (where it should be initially) in ISO8601 notation. Example: ‘2014-10-14T00:00:00Z’. Default is current date and time.


The OGC WMS name for the Dimension to use as WMS Layer parameter. Default is ‘time’


The units for Dimension values. Default is ‘’ISO8601’


End date and time for slider end in ISO8601 notation. Example: ‘2014-12-14T00:00:00Z’. Default is current date and time.


Array of names, of the WMS Layers that should be refreshed with Time parameters whever the time changes. The WMS Layers must support WMS Dimension for the dimensionName (default ‘time’) parameter.


Start date and time for slider start in ISO8601 notation. Example: ‘2014-06-01T00:00:00Z’. Default is current date and time.


Time step in slider and spinner widgets in ISO8601/OGC notation. Example: ‘PT4H’. Default is ‘PT1H’.


title of the panel default value is “Simple Time Slider”.