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Heron QuickStart

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Heron Workshop

Below are various notes and subjects from Heron workshops. This follows a hands-on approach.

Intro Slides

We start with some high level overview.

See these slides here: http://www.slideshare.net/justb4/the-heron


Get our hands dirty right away: follow the steps in the Heron QuickStart, in short:

  1. Download Heron from the downloads page
  2. Unpack the .zip file. Open a terminal/DOS-window and cd to the top-directory and start the Heron-included webserver with startheron.sh (Unix/Linux/MacOS) or startheron.bat (Win*, may also work via double-click). If you see any errors you may have to install Python. See the readme.txt file in the top-directory how install Python and other dependencies for more advanced usage.
  3. Browse the examples at http://localhost:8000/examples

Server Components

Heron is a client-only library mainly supported by a server-backend of OGC standard webservices (WMS, WFS) etc. In the future CSW and WPS will be added. No Heron-specific back-end components are required except for two small CGI scripts. This also depends on which widgets and web services your app uses. For example for pure WMS and tiling, no back-ends are required. Only Vector-info based services require the CGI scripts described next. Printing requires a MapFish print server.

AJAX Proxy

WMS GetFeatureInfo and WFS use AJAX calls. When using server domains other then the one your Heron App is hosted from you need “A Proxy”. This is sometimes a misty subject. This is not specific to Heron but data on the web in genereal. OpenLayers is catered for proxied services but we need:

  1. a proxy script
  2. install the proxy on your webserver
  3. configure the proxy in your Heron config

Ad 1) See an example Proxy script here http://geoext-viewer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/heron/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi You need to adapt it for the hosts you are allowing. Don’t allow an open proxy!!

Ad 2) adapt proxy.cgi for your hosts put in dir e.g. /var/www/heron-mc.org/cgi-bin. This is server-dependent, e.g. on Apache something like

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/heron-mc.org/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/var/www/heron-mc.org/cgi-bin/">
     AllowOverride None
     Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

Ad 3) configure in Heron. See examples/DefaultOptionsWorld.js

OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url=";

The proxy protocol is just a convention. You may have your own implementation in PHP, Java Servlet/JSP or other.

Advanced: Up/download/transformation Services

The heron.cgi script is used for advanced services dealing with enforcing download (e.g. from FeatureInfoPanel and Editor) and upload (Editor) to/from local files and some conversion services, for example to allow ESRI Shapefile upload as a .zip file.

The script: http://geoext-viewer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/heron/cgi-bin/heron.cgi

The script URL is pre-configured with a default value of /cgi-bin/heron.cgi in Heron App.js but can be overridden in your config, for example

/** REST Services specific to Heron. */
Heron.globals.serviceUrl = '/mypath/mycgi-bin/heron.cgi';

Most upload and download services for simple formats like CSV and GeoJSON will work, but if you require formats like ``ESRI Shapefile` then you also need to install GDAL/OGR such that the program ogr2ogr can be found by heron.cgi. See http://www.gdal.org. On Linux and Mac OSX systems the program ogr2ogr will be usually found via the PATH environment. On Windows and other custom installs you need to point ogr2ogr explictly by assigning the full path to the variable like for example OGR2OGR_PROG = ‘C:\gdal\bin\ogr2ogr’ at the first lines of heron.cgi.

Note: in time more “geoprocessing” remote services will be moved to use OGC WPS.

Advanced: Printing

Heron can use the MapFish Print server module (deployed as a Java .war) for printing (generating PDF prints). See http://www.mapfish.org for details. This is a whole subject by itself. Try to build/install the latest MapFish Print version from GitHub, usually not the one bundled with e.g. GeoServer.

Heron with GeoExt components take care to follow the print protocol. If you need nice examples of YAML files (Mapfish config files to specify print layouts), see here: http://kademo.nl/print (YAML config).


For Heron the site http://heron-mc.org is the main documentation site.

These reference (API) docs are tended to be used the most, so bookmark these:

Development Environment

Although Heron and its application configurations are all text, we advise strongly to set up a productive development environment. This holds in general for modern JavaScript development. To be productive the following elements of your development environment need to be in order, maybe not all right now, but try to build this up.


It may be tempting to use a plain text editor like Notepad(++). For very simple apps, this may be sufficient. But as soon as your apps get more advanced this may turn into a frustrating nightmare. Why? You may not notice tiny JavaScript syntax-errors (try adding a comma ‘,’ to the end of an array) and things may work in some browsers, but fail mysteriously in other browsers.

You will need at least a syntax-aware editor for JavaScript, CSS and HTML but it is better use an Integrated Development Environment like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA (our pref).

Debugging in the Browser

Get familiar with JavaScript-debugging in the browser. There are many introductions on the web, for example: http://www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/javascript-debugging-beginners . Our preference is to use Chrome browser, but also Mozilla (Firebug) and IE have devlopment tools. The latter even allows to emulate various IE-versions.

User Debug Versions of JS-libs

Often errors may be signaled in a supporting library, like ExtJS. Since all libs, including Heron, use compressed/minimized versions, figure out the uncompressed versions and use these to debug. These versions are even available via CDNJS (Except Heron). Except for ExtJS (file: ext-all-debug.js) OpenLayers (lib/OpenLayers.js, GeoExt (lib/GeoExt.js), GXP and Heron (DynLoader.js) also provide “dynamic loading” scripts. The combination of Debug versions and commandline debugging will save you hours of “guess-work”. Below a summary of the debug versions for each library and how to include them in your HTML file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/extjs/3.4.1-1/ext-all-debug.js"></script>

script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/openlayers/2.12/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/geoext/1.1/lib/GeoExt.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/lib/DynLoader.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/ux/gxp/git/src/script/loader.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/ux/oleditor/ole/client/lib/loader.js"></script>

Useful tips for ExtJS-based development: http://www.swarmonline.com/2011/05/20-things-to-avoid-or-do-when-getting-started-with-extjs-and-sencha-touch

Quick Deployment

Your productivity is for a large part determined with how fast your edit, deploy, debug cycle is. Try also to automate your deployment. Although for Heron apps this holds copying to a webserver, when having to drag-and-drop each time by hand is cumbersome. We are a fan of using clickable deployments based on Ant from within the IDE like IntelliJ IDEA.

Use a Version Control System

Your app may have worked last week, but now it fails. Are you able to get back that last version, have a ‘diff’ coloured display of what (and who) has changed. Even config files need version control.

Heron Configuration Concepts

Heron’s main asset is to build a single-page web app through configuration. This configuration specifies mainly two things:

  • the overall (ExtJS) layout of the components (Panels) in the app’s webpage
  • the components/widgets (xtype’s) and their properties within the layout

The configuration is build as a single JavaScript (JSON) hierarchical structure. The top-level variable should be called Heron.layout. See this most minimal config (example: minimal) with a default layout

Heron.layout = {
        xtype: 'hr_mappanel',

        /* Optional MapPanel ExtJS Panel properties here, see ExtJS API docs */

        /** Below are Heron-specific settings for the MapPanel (xtype: 'hr_mappanel') */
        hropts: {
                layers: [
                        new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "World Map",
                          "http://www2.demis.nl/WMS/wms.asp?WMS=WorldMap", {layers: 'Coastlines', format: 'image/png' } )

There is sometimes some confusion around file names like Config.js/Layout.js and Options.js . The filenames don’t matter! It is just a convenience to split up a complex config and to reuse more or less static parts like an overall layout. This is also true for Heron.options. or Heron.*.scratch. names.

The config structure follows ExtJS conventions:

  • component types are defined via their xtype (ExtJS connvention)
  • general component properties follow below the xtype property
  • xtypes starting with hr_ denote Heron components
  • xtypes starting with gx_ denote GeoExt components
  • all other xtypes are ExtJS base components
  • properties may be specific for an ExtJS, GeoExt or Heron-component, dependent where the component is defined
  • Heron-specific properties are hropts structure (though this will be phased out in the future)

Layouts are documented in ExtJS docs. The specific components are each documented in the ExtJS, GeoExt or Heron reference docs (see above).

Study the example AppDemo: http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/appdemo with the Layout.js http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/appdemo/Layout.js and its Options.js http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/appdemo/Options.js.

Like said the distinction between Layout and Options JS files is just a convention. Often one needs a single layout with different options like Layers, specific Buttons and Search panels etc. Then it is easier to maintain a single Layout.js (or Config.js) which hardly changes and multiple Options.js for specific apps. In fact all Heron examples are structured this way. There is one DefaultConfig.js :

http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/DefaultConfig.js and specific Options files for World (WGS84) specific examples http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/DefaultOptionsWorld.js and Dutch projection/Layers examples http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/DefaultOptionsNL.js. Also in some examples these files are overridden.

If you are building multiple Heron Apps within your organisation, it is wise to make your own config convention.

How Heron Works

Understanding a framework === understanding its bootstrap (“follow the main()”).

This is also true for Heron. The default “main” for Heron is in Launcher.js

 * Autolaunches Heron as app.
 * To prevent this and control explicitly include NoLaunch.js before App.js
Ext.onReady(function() {

        if (!Heron.noAutoLaunch) {
}, Heron.App);

Ext.onReady() is called by ExtJS when all JS files have loaded and ExtJS is ready to start. This is the standard ExtJS-way to bootstrap any ExtJS App. (btw You are not obliged to use Heron via config, you may also program with Heron like with ExtJS and GeoExt via Heron.noAutoLaunch disabling the Heron init via a config.).

Heron is started by calling Heron.App.create() and Heron.App.show(). Ok and what about Heron.App.* ? See App.js

Heron.App = function() {

        return {
                create : function() {

                        if (Heron.layout.renderTo || Heron.layout.xtype == 'window') {
                                // Render topComponent into a page div element or floating window
                                Heron.App.topComponent = Ext.create(Heron.layout);
                        } else {
                                // Default: render top component into an ExtJS ViewPort (full screen)
                                Heron.App.topComponent = new Ext.Viewport({
                                        id      :"hr-topComponent",
                                        layout: "fit",
                                        hideBorders: true,

                                        // This creates the entire layout from the config !
                                        items: [Heron.layout]

                show : function() {

                getMap : function() {
                        return Heron.App.map;

                setMap : function(aMap) {
                        Heron.App.map = aMap;

                getMapPanel : function() {
                        return Heron.App.mapPanel;

                setMapPanel : function(aMapPanel) {
                        Heron.App.mapPanel = aMapPanel;

What happens here is that Heron.App.create() will use your Heron.layout object to create a full widget tree with all your configured components. Next the entire app becomes visible by Heron.App.show() that calls show() on the top-component usually a Panel. ExtJS will percolate show() to all components in the tree. That is all!

Some variants is where you can control auto-launching by including NoLaunch.js.


Basic ExtJS themes can be created using an online ExtJS theme-builder: http://extbuilder.dynalias.com.

To work with Heron and for some tweaks, each theme below will have a corresponding file “default-theme-<theme name>.css” e.g. default-theme-greenery.css under heron/resources/css.

Making a new theme is two steps:

  • create a theme using http://extbuilder.dynalias.com
  • put the generated directory with css and images dirs under this dir with the name of the theme
  • create a default-theme-<theme name>.css under heron/resources/css, starting with a copy of an existing theme css like default-theme-gray.css

To include a theme in your app, see examples/theming/index.html Example online: http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/theming

Example index.html head content.

<!-- 1) under ext CSS  -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/extjs/3.4.1-1/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="....resources/themes/greenery/css/xtheme-greenery.css" media="all" />
        <!--[if IE 6]>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="resources/themes/greenery/css/xtheme-greenery_ie6.css" />
<!-- 1) under Heron default CSS  -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/css/default.css"/>

        <!-- Need to override some Heron-CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/css/default-theme-greenery.css"/>


Finally we will do some exercises by gradually building up an application in multiple steps. For now this example is using the Dutch grid and Layers as the first workshops were given in The Netherlands.

We will start with an empty page, adding layout, widgets and other goodies. Best is to make a directory where you place your own answers. For each step, you can look into the existing examples directly at http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples and the API documentation (see above). If you get really stuck see the final answers (part of the Heron examples) at http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/workshopnl . The complete app that includes more advanced functions like Editor, WFS Search and Upload is at http://lib.heron-mc.org/heron/latest/examples/workshopnl/100-appcomplete. We will start with a demo of that app.

All examples can be viewed in the SVN source code as well. See: https://code.google.com/p/geoext-viewer/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fheron%2Fexamples


  1. Create app with one ExtJS Panel that shows some text
  2. Create app with only one MapPanel and one layer
  3. Split config into Layout.js and Options.js, hint: see standard examples
  4. Add Toolbar with standard widgets
  5. Layout : extend with Border layout and Accordion
  6. Widgets: Layer Tree (basic and advanced) and ActiveLayers
  7. Toolbar: add bookmarks (toolbar + panel)
  8. Toolbar: add coordinate search
  9. Toolbar: add name search, via PDOK Geocoder
  10. Toolbar: feature info, “Identify” popup