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class Heron.widgets.search.MultiSearchCenterPanel(config)

A panel designed to hold a multiple Search/ResultPanel combinations and a combobox selector to select a specific Search.

Example Use

Sample code showing how to configure a Heron MultiSearchCenterPanel. Note that the config contains an array of objects that each have a SearchPanel and a ResultPanel. SearchPanels may use any SearchPanel (Form-, GXP_Query- and/or SpatialSearchPanel).

    xtype: 'hr_multisearchcenterpanel',
    height: 600,
    hropts: [
            searchPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_formsearchpanel',
                name: 'Attribute (Form) Search: USA States',
                header: false,
                protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
                    version: "1.1.0",
                    url: "http://demo.boundlessgeo.com/geoserver/ows?",
                    srsName: "EPSG:4326",
                    featureType: "states",
                    featureNS: "http://usa.opengeo.org"
                items: [
                        xtype: "textfield",
                        name: "STATE_NAME__like",
                        value: 'ah',
                        fieldLabel: "  name"
                        xtype: "label",
                        id: "helplabel",
                        html: 'Type name of a USA state, wildcards are appended and match is case-insensitive.<br/>Almost any single letter will yield results.<br/>',
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '10px',
                            color: '#AAAAAA'
                hropts: {
                    onSearchCompleteZoom: 10,
                    autoWildCardAttach: true,
                    caseInsensitiveMatch: true,
                    logicalOperator: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND
            resultPanel: {
                 xtype: 'hr_featuregridpanel',
                 id: 'hr-featuregridpanel',
                 header: false,
                 autoConfig: true,
                 hropts: {
                     zoomOnRowDoubleClick: true,
                     zoomOnFeatureSelect: false,
                     zoomLevelPointSelect: 8,
                     zoomToDataExtent: false
            searchPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_spatialsearchpanel',
                name: __('Spatial Search'),
                header: false,
                bodyStyle: 'padding: 6px',
                style: {
                    fontFamily: 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
                    fontSize: '12px'
                selectFirst: true

            resultPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_featuregridpanel',
                id: 'hr-featuregridpanel',
                header: false,
                autoConfig: true,
                hropts: {
                    zoomOnRowDoubleClick: true,
                    zoomOnFeatureSelect: false,
                    zoomLevelPointSelect: 8,
                    zoomToDataExtent: false
            searchPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_spatialsearchpanel',
                name: __('Spatial Search: with last result geometries'),
                description: 'This search uses the feature-geometries of the last result to construct and perform a spatial search.',
                header: false,
                border: false,
                bodyStyle: 'padding: 6px',
                style: {
                    fontFamily: 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
                    fontSize: '12px'
                hropts: {
                    fromLastResult: true,
                    maxFilterGeometries: 50,
                    selectFirst: false
            resultPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_featuregridpanel',
                id: 'hr-featuregridpanel',
                header: false,
                border: false,
                autoConfig: true,
                hropts: {
                    zoomOnRowDoubleClick: true,
                    zoomOnFeatureSelect: false,
                    zoomLevelPointSelect: 8,
                    zoomToDataExtent: false
            searchPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_gxpquerypanel',
                name: __('Spatial and Attributes: build your own queries'),
                description: 'This search uses both search within Map extent and/or your own attribute criteria',
                header: false,
                border: false
            resultPanel: {
                xtype: 'hr_featuregridpanel',
                id: 'hr-featuregridpanel',
                header: false,
                border: false,
                autoConfig: true,
                hropts: {
                    zoomOnRowDoubleClick: true,
                    zoomOnFeatureSelect: false,
                    zoomLevelPointSelect: 8,
                    zoomToDataExtent: true

nd then enable the MultiSearchCenterPanel as a MapPanel toolbar item (type: ‘searchcenter’, icon: binoculars).

Heron.options.map.toolbar = [
    {type: "featureinfo", options: {max_features: 20}},
    {type: "-"} ,
    {type: "pan"},
    {type: "zoomin"},
    {type: "zoomout"},
    {type: "zoomvisible"},
    {type: "-"} ,
    {type: "zoomprevious"},
    {type: "zoomnext"},
    {type: "-"},
        type: "searchcenter",
        // Options for SearchPanel window
        options: {
            show: true,

            searchWindow: {
                title: __('Multiple Searches'),
                x: 100,
                y: undefined,
                width: 360,
                height: 440,
                items: [

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for GeoExt.form.FormPanel.


Called when search selected in combo box.